" vim:fo-=a
set nocompatible
"== pathogen
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
filetype plugin indent on
set autowriteall " auto save the file on things like :next
set switchbuf=usetab,newtab
" Make shift-insert work like in Xterm
if version >= 500
" highlight strings inside C comments
let c_comment_strings=1
" Switch on syntax highlighting if it wasn't on yet.
if !exists("syntax_on")
syntax on
" Switch on search pattern highlighting.
set hlsearch
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set expandtab
set linebreak " dont linebreak inside words
set mousehide " hide the mouse when typing text
set splitbelow
"== search related
set ignorecase smartcase
set incsearch
function! NoHLSearch(pat)
call search(a:pat)
set nohls
set hls
" command -nargs=1 S :call NoHLSearch()
" F5 - toggle highlight search
map :set hls!set hls?
" unicode - for hars pasted from web-pages, PDFs etc (see usr_45.txt)
set encoding=utf-8
" ** actualyl these sould be defined in vimrc and called in there to set
" the default that is set when vim is run.
function! NormalWritingModeLinesAndLinespace()
set lines=36
set linespace=4
function! DraftingWritingModeLinesAndLinespace()
set lines=21
set linespace=13
"== syntax/display
set columns=75
" set lines=38
" now setting it to less as i've increased linespace
" set lines=32
" set linespace=5
call NormalWritingModeLinesAndLinespace()
set ch=2 " Make command line two lines high
set laststatus=2 " so last remaining window always has a statusline
" make closed folds less visually prominent
highlight Folded guifg=LightBlue
function! MyFoldText()
let leadingSpaces = " "
return leadingSpaces . "\\" . (v:foldend - v:foldstart)
set foldtext=MyFoldText()
" note that the following has a backslash followed by one space
set fillchars=fold:\
highlight statusline guibg=LightGray guifg=DarkGray gui=none
set statusline=
set statusline+=%{getline(search(\"^[:#]\",\ \"bnW\"))} " show curr heading
set statusline+=%= " show rest right justified.
set statusline+=\ \ %c\,\ %l\ (%L) " col, line (tot lines)
highlight CursorLine guibg=#D9D9D9
"colorscheme morning
"set background=light " dark " for solarized
if has("gui_macvim")
colorscheme solarized
colorscheme morning
set backup " turn on backup
set backupdir=/Temp/vimFileBackups " dir for tilde files
set dir=/Temp/vimSwapFiles " dir for swap files
" mustn't have trailing slash. otherwise subsequent additions wont work
set path+=~/Notes
set path+=~/PhD
set autoindent
set browsedir=current " open file browser in current dir
set selectmode=key
"== snipmate options
let g:snips_author = "James Cole"
"== taglist options
let g:Tlist_Auto_Open=1
set updatetime=100
let Tlist_WinWidth = 40
let tlist_text_settings = 'text;h:headings'
nnoremap :TlistToggle
" To not display the Vim fold column in the taglist window
let g:Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 0
" only show contents of the current file in current tab
let g:Tlist_Show_One_File = 1
" weird, my computer crashed and after restarting it would no longer
" generate the tags. it'd say
" Taglist: Failed to generate tags for /my/path/to/file
" ctags: illegal option -- -^@usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...
" Taglist FAQ says this is coz its not using the exuberant ctags file.
" if i type ctags in shell it gets exuberant one...
" but anyway i recently installed oh-my-zsh, which might be somehow the
" problem. setting the following var fixes the prob
" This seems to be about this problem (though I didn't it all):
" http://vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com/MacVim-and-PATH-td3388705.html
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/local/bin/ctags'
" assume it gets a valid filename and path
function! GetMarkdownHtmlFilename()
let b:htmlFileNameForMarkdownDoc = expand('%:t:r') . ".html"
let dialogPrompt = "Name and location for HTML file"
let b:htmlFileNameForMarkdownDoc =
\ inputdialog( dialogPrompt, expand('%:p:h') . "/" . b:htmlFileNameForMarkdownDoc)
let menuTypeAndLoc = "amenu 900.107 "
let menuItemName = "&Personal.A&uto\\-generate\\ HTML\\ on\\ save"
let menuCall = ":silent call GetMarkdownHtmlFilename()"
let menuDef = menuTypeAndLoc . menuItemName . menuCall
" let markdownUtilName = "multimarkdown"
let markdownUtilName = "peg-markdown"
function! SaveFile()
if exists("b:htmlFileNameForMarkdownDoc")
execute("!" . g:markdownUtilName . " % > " . b:htmlFileNameForMarkdownDoc)
nnoremap :silent call SaveFile()
inoremap :silent call SaveFile()
vnoremap :silent call SaveFile()gv
"== tabbar options
let g:tagbar_expand = 1
let g:tagbar_updateonsave_maxlines = 7000
"== scrolling
set sidescroll=1 " smooth horizontal scrolling - 1 char at a time
set scrolloff=1
"== cut and paste
" set clipboard+=unnamed " copy yanks and deletions to system clipboard
" send all yanked text to the system clipboard
nnoremap y "+y
" a 'cut' operator that can be used with text-objects, where cut text
" is placed on the system clipboard.
nmap \u "+d
" F4 - show list of headings in document
map :g/^:/
" F6 - change all the non-displayed chars to plain-text equivs
" (note how have to escape pipes between commands, and
" double escape pipes within replace commands)
map :%s//--/ge \| %s/ /.../ge \| %s/\\|/"/ge \| %s/\\|/'/ge
" F7 - to condense selected lines
" very quick a dirty way to do it, should put all the words in a datastructure
" and handle words and their variants ending with s better
map :s/\/\&/ge \| '<,'>s/\/tt/ge \| '<,'>s/\/b\/ween/ge \| '<,'>s/\/w\//ge \| '<,'>s/\/info/ge \| '<,'>s/\/compu/ge \| '<,'>s/\/r/ge \| '<,'>s/\/pic/ge \| '<,'>s/\/2/ge \| '<,'>s/\/in2/ge \| '<,'>s/\/b/ge \| '<,'>s/\/defn'd/ge \| '<,'>s/\/4/ge \| '<,'>s/\/Howevr/ge \| '<,'>s/\/defn /ge \| '<,'>s/\/partic/ge \| '<,'>s/\/thng/ge \| '<,'>s/\/thngs/ge \| '<,'>s/\/whch/ge \| '<,'>s/\/prt/ge \| '<,'>s/\/arg/ge \| '<,'>s/\/u/ge\| '<,'>s/\/wnt/ge \| '<,'>s/\/othr/ge \| '<,'>s/\/corresp/ge \| '<,'>s/\/4/ge\| '<,'>s/\/reps/ge \| '<,'>s/\/abve/ge \| '<,'>s/\/char/ge \| '<,'>s/\/chars/ge \| '<,'>s/\/req'd/ge \| '<,'>s/\/undef'd/ge \| '<,'>s/\/replacemnt/ge \| '<,'>s/\/dest/ge \| '<,'>s/\/src/ge \| '<,'>s/\/ure/ge \| '<,'>s/\/langs/ge \| '<,'>s/\/frm/ge \| '<,'>s/\/orig/ge \| '<,'>s/\/abt/ge \| '<,'>s/\/prop/ge \| '<,'>s/\/attrib/ge \| '<,'>s/\/qu/ge \| '<,'>s/\/diff/ge \| '<,'>s/\/philos/ge \| '<,'>s/\/impl/ge \| '<,'>s/\/req'd/ge \| '<,'>s/\/elems/ge \| '<,'>s/\/elem/ge
" insert '.x' at the start of the line - i've got syntax highlighting so
" that this line is 'crossed off' (as a plain text equiv so strikethrough)
" i use it for my planning docs and the 'to do' sorts of items in it
map I.x
" pump out lines below the cursor
" orig ver: nnoremap ok
" newer ver that supports counts - see http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Mapping_keys_in_Vim_-_Tutorial_(Part_2)
" nnoremap @='ok'
" execute the selected lines on the ex-line
" e.g. if those lines contain a function you're coding, or a map
" so you don't have to copy those lines then type ':@"'
vnoremap x "xy:@x
" note that we may have already deleted some of the files created today.....
" e.g. the files from today left might be
" 100423.txt
" 100423--3.txt
" 100423--4.txt
" and we don't really want to just find the first available sequence num....
" but actually the first one after the current greatest sequence num
function! SaveNewPhdFile()
let today = strftime("%y%m%d")
let newFileName = today
let theFileNames = glob(newFileName . "*.txt")
let suffixes = []
for fileName in split(theFileNames, "\n")
let res = matchlist(fileName, "--\\(\\d\\+\\)")
if res != []
call add(suffixes, res[1])
" assume it is the unsuffixed file for this date
call add(suffixes, 1)
" note: max rets 0 on an empty list, which will be case when none of the files had suffixes
let suffix = max(suffixes) + 1
if (suffix > 1)
let newFileName = newFileName . "--" . suffix . ".txt"
" ^ for some reason += isnt working ??
let newFileName = newFileName . ".txt"
exec "w " . newFileName
command CreatePhdDocument :call SaveNewPhdFile()
" improvement: hmm, i think i could exec both of these in the one command... and
" whatever is used to separate two commands.. like an ampersand i
" think...thatd guarntee that one only happens after the other and that
" only a single window is used.
function! AddFileToGit()
exec "silent !git add " . expand("%:p")
exec "silent !git commit " . expand("%:p") . " -m 'added'"
command AddFileToGit :call AddFileToGit()
" @nextAvailable - if '1' attempt to delete the next block of whitespace lines
" in the given direction, not just any immediately above current line
function! DeleteBlankLinesAboveOrBelow(direction, nextAvailable)
let currLineNum = getpos(".")[1]
if (a:nextAvailable == 1)
let currLineNum = GetNextWhiteSpaceLine(currLineNum, a:direction)
let currLineNum = Next(currLineNum, a:direction)
while (WithinDocument(currLineNum))
if getline(currLineNum) =~ "^\\s*$"
exec currLineNum . "delete"
" note that if we're deleting lines below (direction == 0)
" then the line numbers below will be one less each time we
" delete a line
if (a:direction == 1)
let currLineNum = Next(currLineNum, a:direction)
" ^ the problem i was having was coz i wasnt reading the documentation of
" delete closely enough. i thought you put the line number (or rather,
" range) /after/ the delete text.
" the maps stand for 'delete blanks above/below'
nmap dba :call DeleteBlankLinesAboveOrBelow(1, 0)
nmap dbA :call DeleteBlankLinesAboveOrBelow(1, 1)
nmap dbb :call DeleteBlankLinesAboveOrBelow(0, 0)
nmap dbB :call DeleteBlankLinesAboveOrBelow(0, 1)
" ^ hmm, if you have these maps as
" dsa (delete space above, etc etc)
" dsA
" dsb
" dsB
" then for some unknonw reason when you
" type 'dd' it pauses before doing it, as if you could be typing
" some other thing after it - but none of these start with 'dd' ??
" but then why can surround.vim not have this effect??
" @direction: 1 - up, 0 - down
function! Next(item, direction)
if (a:direction == 1)
return a:item - 1
return a:item + 1
function! WithinDocument(lineNum)
return a:lineNum >= 1 && a:lineNum <= getpos("$")[1]
function! GetNextWhiteSpaceLine(currLineNum, direction)
" cases (just in the upwards direction)
" - 1. next line above *is* whitespace
" - 2. next line above isnt whitespace
" - 2.1 whitespace line is N lines above
" - 2.2 there are *no* lines of whitespace above
" - 1 & 2 r both handled coz it is passed the line the cursor was
" on when deletion command was called, and it just starts looking
" from that line
" - the code in general handles 2.1
" - the uses of WithinDocument handle 2.2
let newLineNum = Next(a:currLineNum, a:direction)
while ( getline(newLineNum) !~ "^\\s*$" && WithinDocument(newLineNum) )
let newLineNum = Next(newLineNum, a:direction)
if !WithinDocument(newLineNum)
return a:currLineNum
return newLineNum
" *** should really put the regex for whitespace lines into a var!
" testing map :echo(GetNextWhiteSpaceLine(getpos(".")[1], 1))
function! FormatXml()
% !xmllint.exe % --format
command FormatXml :call FormatXml()
function! SOnPlural(num)
if a:num == 1 || a:num == -1
return ""
return "s"
cd ~/PhD/working/2013/
" show the 'cued-up' keys as you type them, eg as you type 3d
set showcmd
" Highlight from start of fileEdit
" most accurate but slowest
" see http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Fix_syntax_highlighting
" autocmd BufEnter * :syntax sync fromstart
set textwidth=9000
set formatoptions-=a
autocmd FileType text set textwidth=75
" auto-format as you insert text
autocmd FileType text set formatoptions+=a
" With this, a linebreak means a new para, unless trailing whitespace at
" end of line. It means that the 'a' option doesn't auto join lines
" separated by a linebreak.
autocmd FileType text set formatoptions+=w
set hidden
set switchbuf=useopen,usetab
set tabpagemax=35
let g:gitgutter_enabled = 0
set foldmethod=manual
" vim:fo-=a
if has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64")|| has("win95")
" get normal ALT-SPACE behavior
map :simalt ~
set gfn=Lucida_Sans_Typewriter:h18:cANSI
elseif has("gui_macvim")
set gfn=Menlo:h15
set cursorline " highlight line cursor is on
set guioptions-=T " no toolbar
" must be set in vimrc rather than vimrc - they're values are reset when
" gvim starts
set vb t_vb=
function! SubsituteTildeForHomeDir(path)
" want the trailing slash to avoid case of a file in
" parent of homedir starting with homedir's name
" e.g. if homedir is /users/James
" if there was a file called /users/JamesNotex.txt
let homeDir = expand("~") . "/"
let newPath = substitute(a:path, "^" . homeDir, "~/", "")
return newPath
" sets window title that shows, in this order, these details:
" - for unnamed files
" - '[No Name]'
" - a '+' if buffer has been modified
" - current working directory
" - vim server instance name
" - for named files
" - filename
" - a '+' if buffer has been modified
" - path
" - if we're currently auto-generating HTML for this markup,
" indicate name+path of that file
" - vim server instance name
" in any paths, a tilde is substituted for the home directory
function! JamesTitleString()
" get list of nums of the buffers assoc'd w/ each window in curr tab page.
let l:bufnrlist = tabpagebuflist()
let fileNameAndPath = bufname(l:bufnrlist[tabpagewinnr(tabpagenr()) - 1])
" show only the filename (get rid of all the path details)
let fileName = substitute(fileNameAndPath, ".*/", "", "")
" 'escape' ampersands, so they 1) aren't hidden
" & 2) make character following them underlined
let fileName = substitute(fileName, "&", "&&", "g")
if fileNameAndPath == ""
let title = "[No Name]"
let title = fileName
" Add '+' if the current buffer in the tab page is modified
if getbufvar(l:bufnrlist[tabpagewinnr(tabpagenr()) - 1], "&modified")
let title = title . ' +'
if fileNameAndPath == ""
let title = title . " (CWD: " . SubsituteTildeForHomeDir(getcwd()) . ")"
if fileNameAndPath != ""
let title = title . " ("
let title = title . SubsituteTildeForHomeDir(expand("%:h"))
let title = title . ")"
" if we're currently auto-generating HTML for this markup, indicate name+path of that file
if exists("b:htmlFileNameForMarkdownDoc")
let title = title . " [->" . b:htmlFileNameForMarkdownDoc . "]"
let title = title . " - " . v:servername
return title
set title
set titlestring=%{JamesTitleString()}
" max size of titlestring
set titlelen=100
function! JamesTabLabel()
let label = ''
let bufnrlist = tabpagebuflist(v:lnum)
" Add '+' if one of the buffers in the tab page is modified
for bufnr in bufnrlist
if getbufvar(bufnr, "&modified")
let label = '+'
" Append the number of windows in the tab page if more than one
" let wincount = tabpagewinnr(v:lnum, '$')
" if wincount > 1
" let label .= wincount
" endif
" if label != ''
" let label .= ' '
" endif
" ^ commented out because it includes taglist window in count
" an enhancement would be to filter it out
let fileName = bufname(bufnrlist[tabpagewinnr(v:lnum) - 1])
" show only the filename (get rid of all the path details)
let fileName = substitute(fileName, ".*/", "", "")
" 'escape' ampersands, so they 1) aren't hidden
" & 2) make character following them underlined
let fileName = substitute(fileName, "&", "&&", "g")
" don't show '.txt' extensions
let fileName = substitute(fileName, "\\.txt$", "", "")
let label = label . fileName
return label
set guitablabel=%{JamesTabLabel()}
function! OpenMyFiles()
" note that for filepaths, must use forwards-slashes
let notesDir = "~/Notes"
let phdWorkingDir = "~/PhD/working"
let dropBoxDir = "~/Dropbox"
let fileList = [
\ notesDir . "/2014-plan.txt",
\ notesDir . "/2014-days.txt",
\ dropBoxDir . "/Apps/PlainText\\ 2/plan.txt",
\ notesDir . "/vim.txt",
\ notesDir . "/biograph.txt",
\ notesDir . "/food&drinks.txt",
\ notesDir . "/artsRelated.txt",
\ phdWorkingDir . "/phdNotesInclSources.txt",
\ notesDir . "/projectsToWorkOn.txt",
\ notesDir . "/doAndGet-ideas.txt",
\ notesDir . "/media-ideas.txt",
\ notesDir . "/presents-ideas.txt"
\ ]
" \ notesDir . "/compu.txt",
" \ notesDir . "/aiya,univData.txt",
" \ notesDir . "/thinking&Knowl.txt",
" \ notesDir . "/writing.txt",
" \ notesDir . "/postQueue.txt",
" \ notesDir . "/otherIdeas.txt",
" \ notesDir . "/I-F&Games.txt",
for fileName in fileList
exec "e " . fileName
exec "tabe"
exec "tabc"
exec "tabdo :TlistToggle"
" now, put the focus on the days file
exec "normal! 2gt"
set columns=135
" dev notes:
" originally I didnt have the command there to join the lines, and it
" didnt work properly. the reason was that you can't call exec like that
" when there are a range of lines specified on the command line, as there
" will be because there is a selection - and that sucks. the only
" reasonable option would be if i could just put the 's' command there
" without putting it as an arg to the exec...which i tried but it didnt
" seem to work. if you use the substitute function, it only works on a
" per-line basis, which'd be a pain.
" could ask vim-use if there's a better way to do this.
function! ConvertStringToFileName()
normal! gv
normal! J
exec "s#\\<\\l#\\uge"
normal! gv
exec "s/ //ge"
exec "s/:/-/ge"
" kinda silly way to impl this - I dont know how to define it as a string
" and just insert that string. dont know how to encode the linebreaks. but
" it works.
function! InsertNotesFileFields()
let oldFo = &fo
set fo-=a
normal! O
normal! otitle=
normal! oauthor=
normal! otype=
normal! oyear=
normal! otopics=
normal! oread=
normal! o
normal! o
normal! o----------
normal! o
let &fo = oldFo
" requires the input text to be visual selection
function! CleanTranslinkResult()
let stringsToRemove = "Take Bus\\|\\t\\|(.\\{-})\\|daily timetable\\|trip timetable\\|Departing\\|Arriving\\|Zones travelled in:.*$\\|Fares for this journey.*$\\|Fare included in the next trip.*$"
normal! gv
exec "'<,'>s/" . stringsToRemove . "//ge"
function! WrapAllLines()
let oldTw = &tw
let &tw = 9000
normal! gg
normal! gqG
let &tw = oldTw
function! CloseTlistAndSetColumns()
set columns=76
function! GetLevel(theLine)
if a:theLine =~ "^:"
return 0
return 1
function! FoldOnColonHeadings()
setlocal foldmethod=expr
" Make all the text within each section a fold
" note that you dont call that func you just spec the func name setlocal
setlocal foldexpr=GetLevel(getline(v:lnum))
" set columns=77
" setlocal foldcolumn=2
normal! zR
"== menus
function! OpenMyFiles_MenuItem()
call OpenMyFiles()
amenu disable &Personal.&Open\ Standard\ Files
amenu 900.100 &Personal.&Open\ Standard\ Files :silent call OpenMyFiles_MenuItem()
amenu 900.105 &Personal.C&lose\ Tlist\ and\ Set\ Columns :silent call CloseTlistAndSetColumns()
amenu 900.107 &Personal.A&uto\-generate\ HTML\ on\ save :silent call GetMarkdownHtmlFilename()
amenu 900.109 &Personal.Toggle\ GitGutter :GitGutterToggle
amenu 900.110 &Personal.&Format\ XML :silent call FormatXml()
amenu 900.120 &Personal.&Convert\ String\ To\ File\ Name :silent call ConvertStringToFileName()
amenu 900.140 &Personal.Clean\ &Translink\ Result :silent call CleanTranslinkResult()
amenu 900.150 &Personal.&Insert\ Notes\ File\ Fields :silent call InsertNotesFileFields()
amenu 900.160 &Personal.&Wrap\ All\ Lines :silent call WrapAllLines()
" eventually i want to put ticks next to the selected ones ✓
amenu 900.170 &Personal.W&riting\ Mode.&Normal :silent call NormalWritingModeLinesAndLinespace()
amenu 900.180 &Personal.W&riting\ Mode.&Drafting :silent call DraftingWritingModeLinesAndLinespace()
colorscheme solarized
set background=light " for solarized
" its set to dark in vimrc, as light is unreadable in terminal
" make the highlighting of search terms less prominent
" this is a lighter shade of brown
" highlight Search guifg=#cbac4c
highlight Search guifg=#dac47f
Autocommand for setting filetype of .txt files
(UNIX/MAC: ~/.vim/bundle/myadditions/ftdetect/txt.vim; Windows: $VIM/vimfiles/bundle/myadditions/ftdetect/txt.vim)
for this i've installed ctags, and put it in my PATH environment variable (in my case in c:\programs\ctags58)
to get it to work properly with tabs (the 'tabs' for selecting different files, not the 'tabs' for indenting) apply the following patch
--- plugin/taglist.vim 2008-08-13 19:04:48 +0000
+++ plugin/taglist.vim 2008-08-27 19:24:49 +0000
@@ -4097,6 +4097,12 @@
" window. Used after entering a tab. If this is not done, then the folds
" are not properly created for taglist windows displayed in multiple
function! s:Tlist_Refresh_Folds()
+ " Not needed when one file is displayed.
+ if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
+ return
+ endif
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum == -1
renamer - rename multiple files by editing a text document
Allows you to use the familiar editing techniques like regexs and using visual-block mode to rename multiple files, and also not have to deal with the escaping you have to do with a shell
I came across this in a discussion thread about the editor-agnostic massren util, which allows you to do a similar thing. I ended up using renamer as I couldn't get massren running properly on my system.