Everybody! Everybody! Homestar Runner Wiki!
1) What's a Homestar Runner? 2) What's a Wiki? 3) Why am I so excited?
- A very funny web-site of various cartoons, most notably Strong Bad's e-mails
- A type of website that allows any of its readers to edit pages on the site and add new pages to the site
- Actually, I'm not that excited -- the "Everybody! Everybody!" thing is something from the Homestar Runner main page -- though the wiki is pretty cool.
Like, on the weekend, before I came across the wiki, I was introducing my dad to the joys of Strongbad's e-mails (you can tell I like Homestar Runner), and I wanted to find the one that contained the first episode of Dangeresque!, but since the index of e-mails only give their names and no other details, I couldn't find it. It was fairly easy to find via the wiki because it contains pages with synopsises for each e-mail.
And, via the site, I found some pictures of the guys behind the cartoons:
I'd always wondered who they were. Weird to think that one of these guys (not sure which) does all the character voices (except Marzipan) -- The King of Town, Homestar, Coach Z, Stongbad etc. I figure his real voice is some sort of amalgamation of these.
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